e Militaria Collector Store

Griswold & Gunnison CS Revolver - Original - Civil War CS 2nd Model #2179 with Holster Rig, ID to Lt. W. H. Fergerson CSA

$24,999.00 $22,000.00


  •  CS 2nd Model Griswold and Gunnison second model #2179 - rare original Confederate Civil War revolver ID to 1st LT. CSA W. H. Fergerson, GA Infantry

Up for sale is a very fine authentic Confederate States pistol. Very rare Civil War Confederate Griswold and Gunnison second model brass framed pistol, 1851 Navy 36 Cal revolver.  This particular pistol became known when it was purchased in 1969 from Col. Holifield, of Macon GA, a well-known CS authority and member of the Georgia Arms Collectors. The Griswold and Gunnison CSA Pistol are hard to find, especially with ID. They sell fast and usually to a large collector that keeps them for years, a generational collectable, once gone it stays gone. These guns sell for $25,000.00 to $50,000.00, this one #2179 is priced fair and is an amazing collectable, and historical firearm. Don't let this one get away, get it before its gone.

This is a very fine example of an original Confederate made pistol from Griswold and Gunnison of Georgia. Of the Confederate pistols this manufacture had a great reputation with the officers and was a reliable weapon. The Griswold and Gunnison Second Model, 36 Cal. six shot with brass framed revolver, was made under contract to the Confederate States of America (CSA). This pistol was based on the Colt Navy Model 1851 revolver. This pistol was manufactured by Samuel Griswold at his factory in Griswoldville, Georgia. The Griswold revolvers were close copies of the Cold 1851 Navy with distinctive differences such as the brass frame and round Dragoon style barrel. This is the second model and was changed slightly with a part octagon barrel lug. Griswold manufactured approximately 3,700 of these well-made revolvers for the Confederate States of America between 1862 and 1864. There only 350 known Griswold and Gunnison manufactured pistol survivors identified by collectors. No other factory produced more revolvers than Griswold and Gunnison up until it was seized and ordered burned down by General Sherman of the Union Army, in his march to the sea.

This revolver is a fine example of a survivor, an identified pistol that saw use in the war and has not been touched. Looks like the main spring was replaced at some time, other than that all original. Not cleaned or polished out, "Original". Great patina and yellow golden varnish/lacquer stain on all parts. Very lightly marked (scratched) in the wood is "GA" and appears to have a kill mark on the left grip. Serial no. #2179 present on the frame, barrel lug and cylinder. The cylinder has the distinctive twist lines from manufacturing as characteristic with the Griswold and Gunnison revolvers, almost imposable to replicate.  Correct Die stamping style as used on all Griswold and Gunnison pistols through the war. This is truly a fine historical pistol, used in the Civil War by 2nd Lt W. H. Fergerson of the 1st Georgia Infantry, CSA. The awesome part is we still have his holster rig as part of the collection. 

W. H. Fergerson enlisted Aug. 1, 1861, as a private, Co. F, 1st Georgia Infantry CSA, then reenlisted in April 1862 as a 2nd Lt. Co. F, 1st Georgia Infantry CSA. He marked the back of his belt buckle W H and the butt of his pistol WHF.

This is a real nice original CSA Griswold and Gunnison pistol and holster rig. Great display and collector piece would look great in any museum or high-end collection.